1) click "EC2 Dashboard" on your right. Then click "Launch instance" in blue to launch AMI
2) Click "Community AMIs" on the left panel, then type in "ami-acc840d3" in the search box. Then click select.
3) Next, choose the appropriate instance - we recommend using t2.micro for the tracking database of VCPA; as this is only used for hosting the database and submitting jobs. Click "Next: Configure Instance Details" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
4) Click "Next: Add Storage" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
5) Click "Next: Add Tags" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
6) Click "Next: Configure Security Group" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
7) Then open the public web port. Usersneed to configure the security group like "SSH" and "HTTP". Click "Review and Launch" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
8) Click "Launch" on the bottom right hand corner to proceed.
9) Finally, users can view the the Public DNS/ Public IP information. An example is shown in the "right box" in the figure below:
Users can then use this DNS/IP information to view the webpage of the tracking database by this URL: DNS/v1/projects, where users need to specify their own DNS/IP information. See figure below for an example:
Alternatively, users can also view the webpage of the tracking database by the URL: "http://IP/v1/projects", where IP is the public IP information.
After the server / instance is setup, users need to login to this tracking database server to configure the projects / samples information and submit jobs. Details will be discussed in Steps 3-6 of the gitbook documentation.
1) Please fill in your [your_ssh_key.pem], [DNS/Public_IP].
$ssh -i ~/.ssh/[your_ssh_key.pem] ubuntu@[DNS/Public_IP]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes or no)? yes
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