6.3 Enter your AWS credentials into the workflow script

Once the users have selected which workflow to use, users are required to input the following information to the top of the ${PROJECT_WORKFLOW}_aws.sh in your bin folder on the tracking database instance. This step is required to ensure that the AWS account credential information are passed on to both the S3 and tracking database.

#### Setting AWS ###export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="${KEY_ID}"                  # required: use information from Section 1.2            export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="${ACCESS_KEY}"          # required: use information from Section 1.2 export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}"     # Example : "us-east-1"export API_HOST="http://${PUBLIC-IP}"                 # Example: ""export HOST_PREFIX="${HOST_PREFIX}"                   # Example: "ProjectName"export S3_LOG_DIR="s3://${S3_LOG_DIR}"                # Example: "s3://lab"

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